Friday, October 25, 2013

October Craziness is Settling Down

October craziness is settling down here at The Pink Ribbon Shop.  Our little league football season is almost over, as is high school marching band season.  That means more family time for us, at least for the next few weeks!  Yay!  We enjoy being active and busy, but it's good to have some down time, too.

This week, I am scheduled to have my every-3-month scans and tests.  Whole body bone scan, CT scan of the chest, abdomen & pelvis, and labwork including tumor marker studies.  I have some anxiety, as usual!  I know that God is in control (of everything!) but being human, it is difficult for me to not worry about what the results might be.  Not sure if I've mentioned it here before, but for the last 4-week cycle of Abraxane, Dr. Coscio reduced my dose by 10%.  This will be a permanent change ... well, for as long as the Abraxane is working I guess.  The peripheral neuropathy symptoms were getting more severe, and I was just plain tired of being without energy.  And also the chemobrain ... I can't remember anything!  It is frustrating to be a (relatively) young woman and to have such a bad memory. It's like I have this cloud of fogginess in my brain.  I feel like I can never be totally sure of whatever facts I'm trying to communicate.  It's a very bad feeling.  And I feel sorry for my family who has to deal with my fogginess!

Next week, I am scheduled to see a new doctor.  Dr. Moulder is a breast cancer oncologist who works at the main campus at MD Anderson.  She is one of the investigators on a research study being conducted that Dr. Coscio wants to get me signed on to.  Although the Abraxane is working for me now, she wants me to get set up to participate in the study, so that when I need to, I will be good to go. I don't know all the details, but the way I understand it, they will run some additional genetic testing (I've already had BRCA-1 & 2) on my tumor cells.  They will then use information gleaned from that testing to determine which treatments I would most likely benefit from and which ones I would not.  High tech, cutting edge stuff!  I am SO, SO thankful that I'm being treated at the #1 cancer treatment center in the world!

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